About Us

We’ve spent more than 10 years building a network of cross-border financial planning and investment specialists around the world 

Insurance for American Expats

We know how navigating cross-border financial and tax planning is complex. We’ve spent more than 10 years building a network of cross-border financial planning and investment specialists around the world who deliver straightforward advice on the complexities of cross-border wealth management. We have a network of other professional advisors including tax, estate planning, insurance, and mortgages whose expertise can be brought to bear to support you in achieving your goals.

Managing the complexities of cross-border financial planning is difficult. We help “U.S.-connected persons” with high quality, specialist, financial planning, and investment advice. We partner with you in “joined up thinking”. We’ll help you look at your overall financial picture wherever your assets are in the world through one seamless service.

Navigating cross-border financial and tax planning is complex. We’ve spent more than 10 years building a network of advisors who work together to support the needs of expats.

The financial planning needs of Americans moving around the world can be satisfied through one comprehensive and seamless service wherever you go. A service that relies on advisors in the U.S. and overseas giving clients “joined up thinking” on their financial needs.

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