Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act and Passive Foreign Investment Company

Foreign Account Tax

Does FATCA affect you?

If you’re an American, then you’ve probably heard of FATCA.  FATCA stands for the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act and became law in 2010. Many expats incorrectly believe that FATCA is the law that requires them to report and pay U.S. taxes on their income. This is not the case; expats have always been required to report and pay tax on their worldwide income in the U.S. It’s just that pre-FATCA, it was difficult for the IRS to enforce worldwide taxation on expats because they had no access to expats’ foreign financial information.

However, it applies to many more people than just US citizens because they are “US Connected”.


Who is a Citizen?
So, who else is US connected

Why does all this matter

What is a PFIC ?

Passive Foreign Investment Company

American abroad business owner

What exactly is a PFIC?

PFIC stands for “Passive Foreign Investment Company”. For all intents and purposes PFICs are non-U.S. investment funds, such as: mutual funds, hedge funds, and exchange traded funds (ETFs for short).

Like many expats you are probably asking yourself, why do I need to know this? The answer is because:

Why does all this matter

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